Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering (UUJFE) is a continuously published, open access, international, refereed publication journal aiming at publishing high quality original research papers in all disciplines of engineering sciences. Publication in the UUJFE is free of charge.
Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering publishes original research articles, review papers, and technical notes in all fields of engineering.
Uludağ University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering accepts original articles, written in Turkish or English, in the fields of engineering sciences. Submitted articles must be original content, should not be published anywhere before or should not be sent for publication. Articles cannot be published or presented somewhere else without our journal permission. Some or all of the articles cannot be used without cited to our journal.
Authors must adhere to the following rules of writing. The manuscripts that do not comply with the rules given below will be rejected during the pre-review process.
References should be cited as follows:
Owen, G. (1982) Game Theory, Academic Press, New York.
Zhao, L. C. and Shao, F. M. (1997) Optimization of connecting two communication networks subject to a reliability constraint, Microelectronics and Reliability, 37(4), 629-633. 629-633. doi:11.3267/2553/8911.324.260
Nyhart, J. and Goeltner, C. (1987) Computer models as support for complex negotiations, International Conference of the Society for System Research, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, 4-14. 629-633. doi:11.3267/2553/8911.324.260
Yıldız, A. (1988). Design and analysis of a continuously variable transmission component which are suitable for use in mechanical presses, MSc Thesis, U.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa.
TS-EN50291, (2004). For the detection of carbon monoxide gas for household and similar electrical appliances - Test methods and performance requirements, Turkish Standards Institution, Ankara.
WEB Address:
Texas Instruments, (2002). RS-422 and RS-485 Standards Overview and System Configurations. Access address: http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slla070d/slla070d.pdf (Accessed in: 20.12.2012)
Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering (UUJFE) folllows guides and politics published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for ethical rules and responsibilities of authors, journal editors/subject editors, reviewers and publisher.
It is improper for an author to submit manuscripts describing essentially the same research to more than one journal of primary publication, unless it is a resubmission of a manuscript rejected for or withdrawn from publication. Authors should not engage in plagiarism - verbatim or near-verbatim copying, or very close paraphrasing, of text or results from another’s work. Authors should not engage in self-plagiarism - unacceptably close replication of the author’s own previously published text or results without acknowledgement of the source. The co-authors of a paper should be all those persons who have made significant scientific contributions to the work reported and who share responsibility and accountability for the results.
All articles accepted after double-blind peer review process and published by UUJFE without any fee or charge are freely available, openly accessible. We follow the guidelines presented by Budapest Open - Access Initiative (BOAI) regarding the Open-Access. The average time between the submission date and the final decision date for the papers submitted to Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering in 2020 was 17 weeks.
Bu dergi; bilimsel araştırmaları halka ücretsiz sunmanın bilginin küresel paylaşımını artıracağı ilkesini benimseyerek, içeriğine anında açık erişim sağlamaktadır. Dergimizde çift kör hakem incelemeleri sonucunda kabul edilen ve yayınlanan bütün makalelere hiçbir şekilde ücret talep edilmez. Açık Erişim konusunda Budapest Open - Access Girişimi (BOAI) tarafından belirtilen ilkelere uymaktayız.
30.03.2021-Beginning with our April 2021 (26/1) issue, in accordance with the new criteria of TR-Dizin, the Declaration of Conflict of Interest and the Declaration of Author Contribution forms fulfilled and signed by all authors are required as well as the Copyright form during the initial submission of the manuscript. Furthermore two new sections, i.e. ‘Conflict of Interest’ and ‘Author Contribution’, should be added to the manuscript. Links of those forms that should be submitted with the initial manuscript can be found in our 'Author Guidelines' and 'Submission Procedure' pages. The manuscript template is also updated. For articles reviewed and accepted for publication in our 2021 and ongoing issues and for articles currently under review process, those forms should also be fulfilled, signed and uploaded to the system by authors.